Healthcare+ Aged Care

Health+ Aged Care





ANI Multi Purpose Space (MPS)

This building marks the initial phase of Auckland Normal Intermediate’s (ANI) comprehensive redevelopment. Triggered by a fire that destroyed the century-old hall, the new MPS building is a versatile and contemporary space providing a new central hub for the school.

In plan the building is a cube. The translucent exterior walls have banks of doors which open on all sides allowing activity to flow seamlessly to the outdoors. The simple mono-pitch roof with extended eaves, when combined with operable windows, provides climatic control without the need for air conditioning.

Internally a floating services ‘pod’ divides the building. The larger zone is the ‘hall’ with its sports flooring. Retractable seating and stage allows the zone to be transformed to suit the occasion. The smaller zone is a wharekai which connects to a commercial kitchen housed within the central dividing pod.  

With its ability to connect to its surroundings this new building unifies ANI’s campus. Along with its transformative spaces the MPS can be used and reimagined for generations to come.